Monday, July 20, 2009

Trope Lessons

Another day of ulpan and still going strong. After class, Ally and I went to the shuk to get fruit, vegetables, and other groceries. Then we headed off to The Old City for a tour of the Kotel tunnels. The tour was very interesting and a neat site to see.

We made chicken, salad, and sweet pototoes for dinner and then Allie gave Ally and me a quick trope lesson. Let me tell you, it was quite a scene considering Ally and I are new at this. We would "chant" the trope and then Allie would chant it corretly (however Ally and I could not hear the difference). Needless to say, Ally and I are so fortunate to have such a patient and skilled roommate.

After trope, Allie and I did our Hebrew homework and spent a while studying. I'm totally exhausted and need a break from Hebrew, but before I crash, here's the word of the day:
ללון (lah-loon)- to spend the night

on that note, Lilah Tov!

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