Tuesday, July 21, 2009

House Arrest

Okay, so the post is not going to be as exciting as the title, but I'm lazy and tired, so I decided that the word/phrase of the day is going to be the title of the post.

מעצר בית(Mah Ah tz are bah yeet)

So now you are probably wondering why we learned the word "house arrest" in Ulpan today. Every Tuesday we have "News" day where we discuss world news and read the Israeli Newspaper. I'm sure many of you have heard about the protests/riots because of the Haredi woman accused of starving her son. She is now on house arrest (hence the vocabulary word) so the protests have stoped.

highlights from the day:
-getting my own Mishkan Tefillah (the Reform prayer book) after services
-dinner with HUC students and Lori Sagarin (old director of ed at NSCI, and current president of NATE-National Association of Temple Educators)
-oh and of course studying for Hebrew quiz tomorrow!!!

on that note...lilah tov!

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