Sunday, September 13, 2009

The 3rd First Day of Grad School

Classes have officially begun! It's a little funny because back in July, when the summer session started, everyone kept saying, "it's our first day of grad school", then last week, when fall semester began with Elul days we said it again. Well, today, classes really did begin.

School is Sunday-Thursday and starts at 8:30am everyday! It was a bit difficult waking up this morning after a very late Slichot Service at The Great Synagogue last night. The service was absolutely beautiful. You can read about it and see pictures at this website The service did not begin until 10:30 and the Rabbi gave a 10 minute sermon before. So by 11:30 we were ready to go. We saw the gorgeous synagogue and listening to the beautiful High Holiday melodies and then decided to head out (the service didn't end until 12:40 am). I really forgot how much I love the High Holy Days. Just hearing the tunes and the darkness outside that could be seen through the windows (at a pre slichot service at HUC), brought all of the feelings of the Holidays. I am very much looking forward to experiencing the holidays in Jerusalem.

Back to school- Today began with Rabbinics Lecture, followed by Hebrew, followed by Rabbinics Text. Each class is an hour and a half with 15 min breaks. All of my classes were in the same classroom today and two of the three classes were taught by the same person. Nonetheless, it was still a great day. This is what I have been waiting for. Tomorrow I have History of the 2nd Temple Period, Hebrew, Grammar, and Professional forum. It should be another great day. I am very much looking forward to my first Education Seminar class on Tuesday.

Anyways, I thought I would blog a little while I kinda sorta have time before the craziness of coursework begins (I already have TONS of reading as expected).

If I don't write before Rosh Hashanah, Shanah Tovah!

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