Today Ally and I woke up and headed to school to close things up and for some more final goodbyes. All keys have been turned in and all classes have been passed. 13 King David will be missed!
After closing up shop at school we headed to the Old City for some last minute shopping. Got a few t-shirts, Ally got some scarves, and we shared a bagel along the way.
We came back and packed and cleaned a little more, then Yoni helped me bring my boxes to ship to the post office.
After a fun and exhausting afternoon with the Zweiback girls (Yoshi's daughters) we had a little time to rest.
Ally and I met up with Lara and Yoni for one last Moshiko Falafel...the same meal we had on our first night in Jerusalem. We had a nice stroll down Ben Yehuda one last time and then met up with classmates for another birthday celebration at Aldo ice cream.
It's quite surreal that I am writing on my last night in Jerusalem after these 10 1/2 months. I have to admit, I'm emotionally drained. I don't have the tears left in me anymore. Tomorrow should be a relaxing day-last minute packing and cleaning, and saying goodbye to the city I love most, Jerusalem.
Laila Tov!
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