Thanks to my amazing British Israel Seminar professor, Jeremy, for the title of this blog.
For serious though, HAPPY CHANUKAH!!!
Here's a little update on my 8 days of Chanukah:
1st night: My oldest friend (we've been friends since 6th grade), Brittany, came to Jerusalem for Shabbat (She's living in Eilat for a few months). Brittany, Ally and I went to Yad Lakashish, where they sell beautiful handmade Judaica to browse around. I wanted everything! I'll probably go back when my parents come. Brittany and I had our own Shabbat dinner to catch up and then we baked with Ally.
2nd night: Brittany and I hung out all afternoon until she had to head back to Eilat.
3rd night: After school on Sunday, Lara and I planned Chanukah with the Gan and then I headed to Mevasseret to the Ethiopian Absorption center with several classmates for a Chanukah Party.
4th night: School
5th night: Chanukah with the Gan. Chanukah dinner with Kitah Bet at our Hebrew teacher, Zohara's, house.
Click here to see picts:

6th night: Chanukah party at HUC. Fun program put on by faculty and then party with the best white elephant exchange ever. I picked a stuffed animal dead cat, but traded for chocolate!
7th night: Parallel Lives program. We headed to a pool hall and hung out with the soldiers for the evening.
8th night: Shabbat services at school followed by FSU Shabbat Dinner.
Classes have officially ended, now we're in the final push studying for finals! Only 5 exams left! Shabbat dinner with the Mason's tomorrow.
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