Saturday, December 19, 2009

Chag Urim Sameach, tidings of comfort and joy

Thanks to my amazing British Israel Seminar professor, Jeremy, for the title of this blog.

For serious though, HAPPY CHANUKAH!!!

Here's a little update on my 8 days of Chanukah:
1st night: My oldest friend (we've been friends since 6th grade), Brittany, came to Jerusalem for Shabbat (She's living in Eilat for a few months). Brittany, Ally and I went to Yad Lakashish, where they sell beautiful handmade Judaica to browse around. I wanted everything! I'll probably go back when my parents come. Brittany and I had our own Shabbat dinner to catch up and then we baked with Ally.

2nd night: Brittany and I hung out all afternoon until she had to head back to Eilat.

3rd night: After school on Sunday, Lara and I planned Chanukah with the Gan and then I headed to Mevasseret to the Ethiopian Absorption center with several classmates for a Chanukah Party.

4th night: School

5th night: Chanukah with the Gan. Chanukah dinner with Kitah Bet at our Hebrew teacher, Zohara's, house.

Click here to see picts: Chanukah">

6th night: Chanukah party at HUC. Fun program put on by faculty and then party with the best white elephant exchange ever. I picked a stuffed animal dead cat, but traded for chocolate!

7th night: Parallel Lives program. We headed to a pool hall and hung out with the soldiers for the evening.

8th night: Shabbat services at school followed by FSU Shabbat Dinner.

Classes have officially ended, now we're in the final push studying for finals! Only 5 exams left! Shabbat dinner with the Mason's tomorrow.

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