Over the past two weeks I have become more intrigued by Kippot. Many of my classmates where them to services each week, during classes, and some even where them all the time. There's something that I love about Thursdays. Each Thursday begins with student led Tefillah followed by Liturgy class and Hebrew. One of the things that I love about Thursdays, is that I feel Jewish and feel like I'm in a Jewish Seminary. I like starting the day wearing a Talit and praying with my classmates and professors. I like that the tone of the day feels different. Instead of taking their kippot off after services, many of my classmates continue to wear it throughout the rest of the day. I like feeling Jewish while at school. I like seeing other people wearing their kippot.
My roommate, Allie, wears one and I keep saying that I think I want to try it. I never wanted to be that "Kippah wearing Jew" whatever that means. I'm not sure that I totally understand the reasoning behind wearing a kippah as there are many different explanations. For me though, I think it will make me feel more Jewish. It serves as a physical reminder.
After what my roommate called "Kippah Curiosity" I bought my first Kippah this evening. I'm very excited about it. I plan to wear it during services and when I am studying Jewish texts.
This feels like the best time to try new things. I'll let you know how it goes.
Shavua Tov!
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